Referral templates

Last updated 15 August 2024
Referral templates

We recommend practices follow the below procedures to experience a seamless outcome and avoid corrupting files. Please make sure that you don’t open any referral templates. Rather, you need to import them directly into the clinical software, otherwise the files may be corrupted. Word and PDF files cannot be imported into medical software.

The templates provided by us are for your personal use only and must not be redistributed without permission. They have been tested with Version of Best Practice and Version MD3.16 of Medical Director.

Metro South Health

Metro South Health Central Referral Hub

The Metro South Health Central Referral Hub provides a single point of entry for all new referrals.

Refer to Metro South Addiction and Mental Health Services

Further information and referral details can be found here.

Refer to Metro South Palliative Care Service

Further information and contact details can be found here.

Mater Hospital

Mater Hospital referral templates can be downloaded below:

Aged Care

Child, youth, and family

Below is a link to Children Health Queensland’s Out-of-Home Care health and development assessment templates including:

  • Preliminary Health Checks

  • Comprehensive Health and Developmental Assessments

Click here to access CHQ’s templates

Maternity care

Best Practice

Medical Director

Domestic and family violence


Best Practice

Medical Director

Chronic conditions

Mental health

Allied health

Review process

Templates are reviewed every 6 months or when required. Please check to see if there have been updates. Feedback and suggestions are welcome via email to with ‘Templates’ as the subject.