Head to Health Phone Service

Last updated 16 August 2024
Head to Health Phone Service

The Head to Health Phone Service is a Commonwealth-funded mental health initiative that offers access to mental health information, services and supports through multidisciplinary care teams and integration with existing services across the region 

Brisbane South PHN has commissioned Neami National to deliver the Head to Health Phone Service locally. The Head to Health Phone Service is the preferred referral pathway for patients in the Brisbane south region. 

How to refer patients using the Head to Health Phone Service

Head to Health  accepts referrals from GPs, mental health services, community services, carers, families, and individuals.  

You can contact the Head to Health  on behalf of patients and clients to find the best mental health and wellbeing support for them.  

1. Download, complete and submit the referral form 

2. Phone for advice 

  • Head to Health staff use the Initial Assessment and Referral (IAR) Decision Support Tool to establish the patient’s level of need, and can advise on available services that may assist the patient. 

  • For more information, call 1800 595 212.  

3. Patient contact 

  • The patient is referred to the appropriate mental health support service with a warm handover. 

  • Head to Health Phone Service will continue to keep in touch with the patient until they are connected with the appropriate service provider.