Mental health services
Commissioned mental health care providers
Brisbane South PHN has locally commissioned mental health, suicide prevention and alcohol and other drug (MHSPAOD) treatment services which are designed to provide flexible support that recognises each person’s unique needs.
Our partners can assist you to identify which service will best suit yours and your patient’s needs. There is no wrong point of entry and any of the listed organisations can help to get you started.
Commissioned services for the Brisbane south region include:
Low Intensity Mental Health Services
Mild to Moderate Mental Health Services
Severe and Complex Mental Health Services
Commonwealth Psychosocial Support Program (CPSP)
Mental Health Clinical Care Coordination (MHCCC)
Social and Emotional Wellbeing Services
Child and Youth Mental Health
headspace Early Psychosis Program
Suicide Prevention Services
Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Services
You can find contact details and patient referral information for these services inside our downloadable directory:
Patient referral and support services
The following links provide mental health and wellbeing information and support to connect with appropriate health care services.
See our First Nations support pages
Mental health support lines
If you or someone you know needs urgent mental health support, the following services may be able to assist:
Triple Zero: 000
Head to Health: 1800 595 212
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS): 1800 177 833
Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467
eHeadspace: 1800 650 890
Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
1300 MH CALL: 1300 64 22 55
QLife: 1800 184 527
13YARN: 13 92 76
Multicultural Connect Line: 1300 079 020