Update: Changes to the Queensland Rheumatic Heart Disease Register and Control Program
Queensland Health wishes to advise clinicians of changes to the Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) Register and Control Program. These changes do not affect the way patients are managed or the way clinicians notify potential cases under the Public Health Regulation 2018.
Clinicians should remain alert for new cases, particularly in high-risk areas, and refer to the 2020 Australian guideline for prevention, diagnosis and management of acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease.
Coming soon: Public Health Units will follow-up ARF and RHD notifications
The follow-up of notifications is moving from the RHD Register and Control Program to Public Health Units across Queensland. This move brings the management of ARF and RHD notifications in line with other notifiable conditions within Queensland.
You will be alerted when this change is to occur. This is expected to take place in the first half of 2024.
Once the change occurs, the following will apply:
- notifications will be made to different contact details
- the Public Health Unit in your region may contact you about a notification, rather than the RHD Register and Control Program.
Update: New platform for the Queensland RHD Register
The RHD Register is being moved onto a new platform to enhance monitoring and reporting on cases, disease severity and treatment in Queensland.
The launch date for the new RHD Register platform has been delayed and is now expected to occur in May 2024. Further information will be provided closer to this date. There has been no change to the existing QLD RHD Register, and it remains operational and accessible to users.
Bicillin and echocardiogram recalls will continue to be sent from the RHD Register to health service providers to support patient care.
Further information will be provided closer to the launch date for the new RHD Register.
Process for RHD notifications
Until advised otherwise:
notifications should continue to be made to ArfRhdRegister@health.qld.gov.au on the notification form for rheumatic heart disease or acute rheumatic fever within 48 hours of suspected or confirmed diagnosis
there has been no change to the existing Queensland RHD Register and it remains operational and accessible to users.
More resources for health workforces
Clinical support, resources and accredited continuing professional development programs are available on www.rhdaustralia.org.au.