BSPHN - Accessing the NDIS for those from a refugee background (face to face)

Circle Dot Art Event Details
Last updated 23 October 2024
BSPHN - Accessing the NDIS for those from a refugee background (face to face)

Event organiser

Brisbane South PHN

Event Description
Representatives from Carer’s Queensland and The Benevolent Society will provide a brief presentation on the changes to NDIS access process recently, with a focus on an increased role for them as LACs, and reduced interaction with the NDIA.

The Refugee Health Network Queensland’s senior clinical lead Dr Rachel Claydon will share a case study, representing a typical family who’ve arrived recently in Australia via the Humanitarian Settlement Program, with an adult and a child with disabilities (that would likely meet the eligibility criteria for the NDIS).

A panel of people will discuss the case study and answer questions that may arise from the audience. The panel members are yet to be finalised, but we hope to offer:

  • representative from Carer’s QLD
  • representative from The Benevolent Society
  • representatives from the G11 (Mater refugee health advisory group members from Brisbane who have experience of disability and/or the NDIS or can speak about communities experience)
  • representative from the Access Resource Team and/or AMPARO,
  • GP who currently cares for refugee patients, and
  • nurse or OT who is also working with refugees who have disabilities.
    AUDIENCE: General Practitioners and practice staff caring for refugee-background patients who have disabilities.


Dr Rachel Claydon, GP Fellow, Refugee Health Network Queensland (RHNQ), GP - Mater Refugee Complex Care Clinic
Conor Thorogood, Team Leader, NDIS Local Area Coordinator (LAC) Partners in the Community (PITC), Carer’s Queensland
Kay Perrin, Child and Family Practitioner, The Benevolent Society

NDIS access
NDIS eligibility
NDIS therapist reports
Local Area Coordinator (LAC) roles
support for the management of NDIS plans
supporting participants to source therapists
support workers and disability equipment


Registration from: 5.00pm (with dinner to be served from 5:30 pm)

Event Start: 6.00pm

Event Finish: 8.00pm

COST: Free, dinner will be provided

PARKING: Free - onsite or street

LOCATION: Tzu Chi Community Centre, 60 Rosebank Square, Salisbury, QLD

**There is also an online option for this event

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