Cultural Awareness Training
- April 12th, 2025
- 8:30am - 4:00pm
- Please check with organiser
Event organiser
Event description
Training will cover:
• Developing culturally safe practice
• Historical impact on engagement
• Opportunities and barriers
• Current incentives for GP practices
• CTG initiatives - support available
• CCHS’s: IUIH Model of Care
• Barriers: access, engage, follow-up
• Completing an external Audit (PDSA - Plan, Do, Study, Act)
Completion of this training meets the Practice Incentive Program (PIP) Indigenous Health
Incentive Requirement. Additionally, IUIH now has the availability to facilitate RACGP
accredited in-house TGIICS training.
1873 Logan Rd, Upper Mt Gravatt
This is an approved RACGP CPD Activity 407374|
EA 2.5 hrs|MO 5 hrs|RP 4 hrs
Completing an external Audit (PDSA - Plan, Do, Study, Act) contributes
5 CPD Measuring Outcome hours, forming a package of the total advertised CPD Hours.