Have your say on the National Maternity Workforce Strategy 2026-2036

Last updated 13 February 2025
Have your say on the National Maternity Workforce Strategy 2026-2036

The National Maternity Workforce Strategy 2026 - 2036 (the Strategy) is an initiative of the Independent review of Australia’s regulatory settings relating to overseas health practitioners (the Kruk review).

The Strategy forms part of Recommendation 18 from the Kruk Review — ‘Support better planning for Australia’s future workforce needs, including developing national workforce strategies for maternity and allied health, and finalising the nursing strategy already in development. ‘

What is the National Maternity Workforce Strategy?

The purpose of the Strategy is to ensure there is a sufficient supply of maternity workforce professionals to meet Australia’s current and future maternity service needs. The Strategy will focus on creating practical and meaningful talent pipelines, recruitment, and retention strategies for all maternity clinicians, including but not limited to:

  • midwives

  • obstetricians

  • general practitioners (GPs)

  • appropriate allied health practitioners.

Please note, the Strategy will not be addressing industrial matters or models of care.

Have your say on the maternity workforce supply and service needs

The National Maternity Workforce Strategy is entering the initial consultation phase. Give your feedback via online consultation survey.

The consultation survey is open until Tuesday 4 February 2025.  

 Please share this survey with your colleagues working in the clinical (midwifery, nursing, allied health), policy, workforce, research, education, and advocacy fields.

Further information about the National Maternity Workforce Strategy

Stay up to date with the development of the Strategy: National Maternity Workforce Strategy 2026–2036 | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

 For more information, please contact the project team via MOH-NationalMaternityWorkforceStrategy@health.nsw.gov.au