Provider Connect Australia can help your practice stay connected with the healthcare system

Last updated 20 June 2024
Provider Connect Australia can help your practice stay connected with the healthcare system

Provider Connect Australia (PCA) is a one-stop place for healthcare provider organisations to update their business information, helping to reduce duplication and streamlines notifications. This new service improves the completeness and accuracy of service directories and is a secure, reliable and efficient way for healthcare providers to stay connected.

Benefits to your practice

Once registered with PCA, healthcare providers can update their business information and choose to automatically send updates to business partners they have chosen to connect with.

Over time, business partners typically include:

  • funders
  • public service directories
  • secure messaging vendors
  • professional bodies and associations
  • public health services
  • information exchanges.

This means your practice can maintain a single master copy of your organisation's details and your chosen business partners will automatically receive any updates. This helps to reduce:

  • time wastage
  • human error
  • the hassle of filling out multiple forms whenever staff join/leave or new services or locations are added.

This short video outlines the key benefits of how PCA can help your organisation:

Keep your practice up to date this end of financial year

As the end of the financial year approaches, keeping your business details up to date doesn’t have to become a paper burden anymore. With Provider Connect Australia you can update your business information and automatically send those updates to your connected contacts.

How to register with Provider Connect Australia

You can self-register with PCA at any time.

For further support, please contact