
Expressions of interest now open: New Medicare Urgent Care Clinic (Inala area)
09 Jul 2024
Featured Post
General Practice
Expressions of interest (EOI) are now open to operate the new Medicare UCC. Accredited general practices and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services can submit an EOI by 12pm midday, Monday 5 August 2024.
New vape law changes in Australia may see increase in patients seeking a prescription
15 Jul 2024
General Practice
Until Monday 30 September 2024, all patients will need a prescription from a GP or nurse practitioner to purchase vapes containing nicotine. Read how this change might affect your practice.
Host student nurses for clinical placement hours — Inspire students to choose a career in primary health care
25 Jun 2024
General Practice
Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA) is looking for primary health care teams passionate about their field to host undergraduate and postgraduate student nurses for clinical placement hours.
New toolkits are available for primary care clinicians providing early medical abortion
20 Jun 2024
General Practice
New toolkits are available for primary care clinicians providing early medical abortion. Join AusCAPPS to get free access from their Resource Library.
Dinner event with Dr Paresh Dawda: General Practice in Aged Care Incentive
11 Jun 2024
General Practice
Join us in conversation with Dr Paresh Dawda (Presantia Health) at the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive dinner event, on July 30, to learn what this new incentive means for your practice and patients.
Heart Week 2024: Let's promote heart health awareness
03 May 2024
General Practice
Heart Week 2024 runs this week from 6 to 12 May, and healthcare providers are encouraged to engage their patients in discussions about heart health and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Free resources are available now.
Update: Change to notifications for acute rheumatic fever (ARF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD)
03 May 2024
General Practice
First Nations health
From Monday 29 April 2024, notifications for Acute Rheumatic Fever (ARF) and Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) are managed by Public Health Units across the state.
World Immunisation Week 2024: Is your practice ready for flu season?
22 Apr 2024
General Practice
Community health
World Immunisation Week begins Wednesday 24 April. Learn more about how Brisbane South PHN supports general practices and other primary care vaccine providers to increase immunisation coverage within our region.
Queensland Health announces rollout of Paediatric Respiratory Syncytial Virus Prevention Program
26 Mar 2024
General Practice
First Nations health
Beginning May 2024, the Queensland Paediatric Respiratory Syncytial Virus Prevention (QPRSVP) Program will provide free Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) immunisation to eligible Queensland children. Learn more.
Health alert: Pertussis (Whooping cough)
21 Mar 2024
Community health
General Practice
Queensland Health asks clinicians to be alert for signs and symptoms of pertussis, particularly in patients who have had contact with confirmed cases. Report notifiable conditions promptly to Metro South Health.
Harmony Week 2024: Support for multicultural health
19 Mar 2024
Multicultural health
General Practice
First Nations health
As we celebrate Harmony Week, take a moment to learn how our Multicultural Health team can support your practice in caring for people from multicultural backgrounds.
Expression of Interest: Improve patient-practitioner communication
06 Mar 2024
General Practice
The Effective Efficient Engagement project, an initiative by Brisbane South PHN, is seeking participants to help improve patient-practitioner communication during health appointments.
New for Practice Nurses! Brisbane South PHN launches Nurse Network meetings for free peer support
28 Feb 2024
General Practice
Practice Nurses are welcomed to our inaugural Nurse Network event on 19 March 2024. Join us to connect with your peers and find support from mentors, coordinated by Brisbane South PHN. Read on for more information.
Building Nurse Capacity program: $12,000 incentives
05 Feb 2024
General Practice
Applications close Friday 9 February 2024. Submit an Expression of Interest to take part in the program.
Primary Health Nurses Day 2024: Celebrating and supporting practice nurses in our region
31 Jan 2024
Did you know that Brisbane South PHN has a Practice Nurse Support Program that delivers ongoing support, advice, and mentoring to new graduates and nurses new to primary care? Learn more about its benefits here.