MyMedicare benefits roll out for registered general practices and patients

Last updated 18 December 2023
MyMedicare benefits roll out for registered general practices and patients

MyMedicare is a new voluntary patient registration model that aims to build a stronger relationship between patients and their primary care teams. MyMedicare will drive improvements in primary health care for all Australians and deliver new funding packages to primary care providers. Registration in MyMedicare is optional for patients, practices and providers.

What are the benefits of voluntary patient registration for practices?

Benefits for practices registered in MyMedicare include:

  • access to more information about regular patients, making it easier to tailor services to fit individual patient needs
  • MBS-funded longer telephone consultations (levels C and D) for registered patients
  • access to the triple bulk-billing incentive for longer MBS telehealth consultations (levels C, D and E) for registered patients under 16, pensioners and Commonwealth concession card holders
  • the ability to generate lists of the practice’s registered patients with a view to integrating registration information with practice software, to reduce administrative burden and allow GPs to access their registered patient lists directly.

New funding packages for registered primary care providers

In addition to the above benefits, the following new blended funding payments will be available to registered practices and providers:

  • Practices that provide services to patients who would benefit from the new MyMedicare-linked MBS long telehealth services or provide care to people in residential aged care are encouraged to register in MyMedicare as a priority.
  • Patient registration will be available from 1 October 2023 to Australians with a Medicare card or Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) card.
  • Patients will be able to register at their practice or online through their Medicare Online Account.

Registering for MyMedicare

Free practice resources and learning materials for MyMedicare

We have worked with national subject matter experts to develop online modules, resources and practical tools to facilitate a better understanding of your practice population and supply and demand. These resources are available free from our online learning platform, DiscoverPHN.