New vape law changes in Australia may see increase in patients seeking a prescription

Last updated 16 July 2024
New vape law changes in Australia may see increase in patients seeking a prescription

The laws on vaping (use of e-cigarettes) in Australia changed on 1 July 2024. All vapes in Australia – whether they contain nicotine or not – are now regulated as therapeutic goods. This means they are only available at pharmacies to help people quit smoking or manage their nicotine dependence.

Until Monday 30 September 2024, all patients will need a prescription from a GP or nurse practitioner to purchase vapes containing nicotine.

GPs and nurse practitioners may see an increase in patients seeking a prescription for therapeutic vapes.

From 1 October 2024, patients 18 years or over will be able to purchase nicotine vapes from pharmacies without a prescription. People under the age of 18 will still need a prescription.

More information for health professionals