National Reconciliation Week 2024

Last updated 12 February 2025
National Reconciliation Week 2024

Now More Than Ever — the 2024 theme for National Reconciliation Week — has us reflecting on the unfinished business of reconciliation and exploring our commitments to acting for a more just, truthful, and respectful Australia in partnership with First Nations peoples.

Reconciliation is about strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples, for the benefit of all Australians.

Reconciliation Australia

The meaning behind National Reconciliation Week

National Reconciliation Week begins on May 27, commemorating the 1967 referendum, where the majority of Australians voted to remove discriminatory clauses about First Nations peoples from the Australian Constitution.

The week concludes on June 3, marking the anniversary of the 1992 Mabo decision — the judgment that overturned Australia as a ‘land belonging to no-one’ when it was declared as a possession of the British Crown in 1770. As a result of the Mabo decision, the High Court of Australia found that First Nations peoples around Australia continue to hold rights to their land and waters.

A range of activities aimed at promoting understanding and reconciliation are happening across Australia this week. Many organisations engage in events and programs that foster a deeper appreciation of our First Nations cultures and histories. These activities reflect on the collective journey and work still to be done towards achieving a more just, equitable, and reconciled Australia.

Supporting reconciliation through culturally safe healthcare initiatives

Your practice can take steps towards reconciliation through your commitment to the health and wellbeing of First Nations peoples and communities in our region. Discover more at

See our collection of practitioner resources for First Nations patients

Find and refer to specialist health services in the Brisbane South PHN region using our online directory, First Nations Health Focus. Discover tools and resources for your practice and patients to help deliver respectful, equitable health care for First Nations peoples. View practitioner resources for First Nations patients on the website:

Elders program: Balgah binay

A notable local initiative is the Elders program, Balgah binay, delivered by Inala Wangarra. Named by Elders, Balgah binay means, "coming together to learn and be uplifted." The program provides Elders, their families, and carers with access to relevant health and aged care information and support, addressing their cultural, physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, and social needs.

My Health for Life program

Additionally, Brisbane South PHN supports First Nations people through the My Health for Life (MH4L) program. This free initiative emphasises lifestyle and wellbeing, aiming to empower participants to make healthy choices and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Through learning and coaching, participants can enhance their everyday lives and maintain their health and wellbeing.

Join us in committing to reconciliation action

Brisbane South PHN is proudly committed to advancing reconciliation in all we do, guided by our (second) Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 2023-26. We invite you to read through our RAP and join us in our journey towards reconciliation.

As we observe National Reconciliation Week 2024, Brisbane South PHN encourages everyone to engage in reconciliation action. Together, we can strengthen relationships, deepen understanding, and build a more inclusive and equitable Australia for all.

More information and resources